
Pelicans gliding on ocean waves

MOD researchers Ian Stokes and Drew Lucas have recently developed a theoretical model that describes how the ocean, the wind, and the birds in flight interact in a recent paper in Movement Ecology. They found that pelicans can completely offset the energy they expend in flight by exploiting wind updrafts generated by waves through what is known as wave-slope soaring.

Photos by Simone Staff

In short, by practicing this behavior, seabirds take advantage of winds generated by breaking waves to stay aloft. Wave-slope soaring is just one of the many behaviors in seabirds that take advantage of the energy in their environment. By tapping into these predictable patterns, the birds are able to forage, travel, and find mates more effectively. “As we appreciate their mastery of the fluid, ever-changing ocean environment, we gain insight into the fundamental physics that shape our world,” said Lucas.

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