Congratulations to our new PhD's

Congratulations to Drs. André Palóczy and Kristin Zeiden for completion of their PhDs.

In September of 2020, André Palóczy defended his thesis on the turbulence and cross-slope transport off Antarctica and California. Dr. Palóczy, co-advised by Jen MacKinnon, Sarah Gille and Julie McLean, combined modelling and field approaches in order to answer these compelling and complicated dynamics. This included being Chief Scientist on the R/V Sproul during the 2017 Inner Shelf DRI.

In February of 2021, Kristin Zeiden, co-advised by Jen MacKinnon and Dan Rudnick, completed her thesis on the broadband, multi-scale vorticity wake generated by flow past Palau. Dr. Zeiden used a combination of glider, mooring and drifter data to explore how small-medium scale eddies shed from the tip of Palau, by a combination of mean and tidal flow, combine and conspire to create a large-scale island wake.

We wish both André and Kristin the best of luck starting their new positions — André as postdoc in Norway in 2021 with Joe La Casce and Kristin as a postdoc at UW/APL with Jim Thomson. We will miss them!

Drs. Kristin Zeiden and Andre Paloczy charting their bright futures.