UCSD Grad Slam 2022

MOD is excited to announce that on April 7, Andrew Parlier took 2nd in UCSD’s Grad Slam competition! Grad Slam is a University of California-wide competition where graduate students are challenged to explain their research to a public audience in 3 minutes with 3 slides. Andrew competed against eight other finalists from departments across UCSD judged by a diverse panel of experts in fields as diverse as Astrophysics and English. Good luck to the winner, Meghana Pagadala, as she represents UCSD at the UC finals in San Francisco in May! Check out the video below to see a recording of Andrew’s talk at timestamp 48:15 ( and watch the entire video to see all of the other excellent graduate student finalists). To learn more about this work and other awesome development happening in the group, visit MOD’s technology page and check out relevant blog posts.